Danish Christmas pastry

Oh god I’ve been really bad at updating my blog, sorry about that. I’ve been really busy with work and prepping for school start etc.

December 1st I made a Christmas-baking day or just Christmas Day. I like to make one of those once a year, it may be the only time – except December 24th – it really feels like Christmas.

Among a lot of baking I mad æbleskiver. You probably don’t know it, but it’s a Danish Christmas pastry. I tried looking it up and translated to English they’re named ‘Danish doughnuts’ but they’re quite different from doughnuts in my head.

I’ve made them before a couple of years ago, but never gluten free and dairy free.


1 portion – the one is triple
3 eggs
200g rice flour
50g coconut oil
80g maizena
20g sugar
0.5 L rice milk
Olive oil for baking
If you’d like you can add some cardamom
1 tbsp psyllium
1/2 tsp baking soda

You start with separating the egg whites and yolks – saving both. Whip the whites and soda until it’s an airy, light and smooth mass.

The flour, sugar, psyllium, maizena and salt mixes together.
Melt the coconut oil and mix it with the yolks and milk.

Mix the two mixes together. Add the egg whites and gently stir it whiteout loosing the airiness.

You nede a special pan to make the small balls, and of course I forgot to take a picture, but I found one on google.


Heat the pan and oil it a bit. Pour some dough in each hole so about 3/4 is filled out. It’s important that the pan is really hot so the sides of the dough is hardened fast without the dough in the middle is cooked. Have a small stick to turn the ball 1/4 round, and 10 seconds later turn it again.

Og you don’t get it there’s an video that illustrates how to do. perfect round Danish doughnuts

Happy eatin’!

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